South Surburban Star Wars XXI

On April 15, the Glenwood Chess Club hosted Chess Wars XXI. Placing first trhrough third place in the Open Division were: Bugia Geber, Sam Henderson and Marty Franek.
In the U1650 Division, Megan Chen was the winner, followed by Slawomir Borkowski, Jack Heller and Ankush Moolky. 
The Bounty Hunter winners were: Slawomir Borkowski, Marty Frenek, Harry Keller and his brother Jack Keller.
This was the first time that the Keller Brothers had attended a Chess Wars tournament and we were glad to have them as new additions to the event. They likewise appeared to have enjoyed the tournament’s congenial atmosphere.
For more information about Glenwood Chess Club, activities and events, please visit us at